Friday, August 10, 2012

How can I make you happy?

There's a song by that name stuck in my head right now (check it out - Will Dailey is AWESOMESAUCE).

But first, a few things:

First: I'm on my way to Boston City Hall to help them figure out how to officially legalize chickens in the City of Boston.  YAY! 

(I attended an Aldermans' meeting for the City of Somerville on Weds night too - they're nearly ready to accept the ordinance changes that will add some more specific guidelines for our already-legal backyard birds.)

Second:  Did y'all know that my flock has a FB page?  Check there to get additional tips and tricks, links and info, and the occasional hilarious aside.  And if you like what you see, then please "like" what you see.  ;)

Third:  Just had a phone meeting the other day with Noah of Victory Chicken in New York City (Brooklyn, specifically), who is doing something like what I'm doing for the residents of NYC.  If you know folks in that lovely city, they have a resource like me there too!

And now to the big finish: How can I make you happy?

Answer: By helping you get your own flock of chickens, of course!  :D

Here are a few pictures of my client Lori S. of Somerville, the GORgeous coop she built with her husband, and her new flock of 4 Star hens I delivered on Wednesday morning - 3 Red Stars and 1 Black Star!

Isn't this fantastic?!  Lucky, lucky birds.

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