Wednesday, July 25, 2012

*chink chink*... Is this thing on?

Hey folks!

Been a little quiet on the Chickeness front lately, eh?  Well never fear!  It's been ohsocrazyfullofawesome over here!

Here's a smattering of what I've been up to:

*My ambassadors and I visited a group of kids at the Brown School a few weeks ago as part of their summer program - huge thanks to the Brown School for inviting us, and congrats to them on their fantastic raised bed garden!  Check that out on Willow Ave in Somerville, just south of Broadway, and drop me a line if you'd like me to bring a few of my girls to visit your kids' school, playgroup, birthday party, or other event. 

*I had my first official individual clients, coordinating the purchase and delivery of some birds for folks here in the city from regional breeders at a big chickenswap in NH a few weeks ago.  Congrats to Jim B. of Somerville, and Adriana and Phil H. of Jamaica Plain on the new additions to their family!  (Jim and his daughter, Daisy, actually came up to the swap to check it out, too!)

*My model coop, the "Coopette" has been in testing in my yard for a month or so, and my coop-builder and I have been tweaking the design to make it better for you and your flock.  Let me know if you'd like a Coopette of your very own, complete with site consultation, delivery and installation, all supplies, and even the chickens too!

*I'm putting together an crowdfunding campaign as a way for all of you to support this little slice of the urban ag/localvore movement, helping to *really* get this chicken circus on the road and get some cool swag in return!  Rewards will include services, of course, and also t-shirts and other fun "chickenalia", so keep an eye out for that sometime in the next few months.

*I've been working on my website at - stay tuned for that to go live very soon!

*My first "Rent-a-Coop" is nearly finished, and ready to be rented out - more on that in an upcoming post, including coop specs and rental rates. 

*And finally, I've welcomed a few new additions to my Board of Chicken Ambassadors: say hello to Buttercup, Sweet Pea, and the-Silkie-that-has-yet-to-be-named-but-may-come-to-be-known-as-Wolfgang.  :D

That's it for the moment... lots more news and info coming up.  Thank you SO much for supporting me and my flock!

Happy customers Adriana and Phil, with two of their four new girls, Richard the Silkie, and a Barred Plymouth Rock.  They also got a second Barred Rock and a blue Ameraucana.
Miss Fleur checking out the new Coopette.  This version is 3x4', has linoleum flooring, a large plexiglass front door, external nest boxes (you can see them in the back), an additional door on the side for cleaning, and an attached 4x6' run with access gates, and can comfortably fit 4 full-grown large fowl hens.
Buttercup says Hi.  She was helping me type this blog.  :D
The-Silkie-that-will-likely-be-named-Wolfgang.  And the egg she laid for me this morning.  NOM.

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